Claim back the tools you trusted others to wield. Fix yourself.
Take a deep breath and find the strength to be authentically you.
Embrace yourself. Own your traits; the good and the bad. There is a large grey area between black and white. Change the lens and see in colour.
Remember: in stating the truth, it might be met with discord, but consider how important it is to stay true.
You have been afraid. But you have determination. Don’t mistake anger for determination or it will lead you astray; separate the two.
Let yourself feel the hurt others inflict if you can’t avoid it—then find a way through it.
It is better to admit fear than betray your own nature.
You know who you are. Don’t allow interference. Don’t BE swayed. Sway if you choose to, but keep your feet on the ground.
You are responsible only for yourself.
You are not gullible. You are kind. You are not stupid. You are forgiving. Forgive yourself, too.
Remember: Everyone is worthy but not all are trustworthy. You, also, are worthy. You must trust yourself.
Respect is earned; you don’t have to tolerate disrespect.
You have a right to stand up for yourself. Do so, as needed.
You have reasons to live. Don’t give up.
And for f#@!’s sake, don’t lose your head.
“Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.” George Orwell