I felt forced out of my head. Forced to talk to think, verbalising the stream that should have been private and uninterrupted and undisturbed by the interference of others… but it wasn’t… it was full-on roasting and it set so much in motion — it became habit-forming through the pressures put upon me to over-explain because of others’ biased views of me… it made me feel like a criminal under investigation but a fucking outraged one, whether there had been a crime or not, because so much that should have been obvious truth kept coming under fire; people insisted on pushing and testing, dismissing my responses even as they asked for more information which they’d then dispute. Eventually, I realised: it would never be enough. I succumbed to that feeling: inadequacy. First, there was complacency and bending over backwards (what else can I do? I asked desperately, stupidly…) and then there was more outrage. Then there was indifference.
Finally, I shut up…
But very few liked it, ironically enough, even though by that point, they’d been telling me to do just that, insisting they didn’t care, that no one cared…
But the roast set several fires…
They cared enough when they realised the damages.
I know this by differences in interference now…
Every now and then though, they still try to put one more thing on me so they don’t have to be burdened what was their own actions. Him indoors does the fucking same. I genuinely am not afraid to type out loud (lol) my urge to smack them all. Sometimes that flippant attitude of mine coupled with behaviour I was driven to with all of this roasting, gives those same people cause for ‘concern’ that has ulterior motives of pinning one more thing on me or someone else while deflecting attention away from themselves. Infuriating for me and futile for them. It backfires. Untrue things have a tendency to do that… falling apart… differently than people; mostly I’ve found that I was torn apart and the spilling truth has put out the fires, one by fucking one.
Even as I’m repeatedly discredited, dismissed, I’m determined to get as much of that truth out, to finish what someone else insisted on starting, even as they repeat the process, the dissonance creating more of a divide in me (more so, then), attacks tailored, customised, roasty tidbits providing cutthroat ammo for those with weapons, restarting the trauma cycle, the trigger-happy process that drives me to and over the Edge… ‘And still I rise.’ And they cannot fucking stand it.
‘And still I rise.’
(draft excerpt from Lens)